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Advanced Business Online
Business Banking

Advanced Business Online

Formerly known as Business Express Internet for our Westminster Savings members.
Access to tools and resources to help manage multiple business accounts online at the same time. 

Access multiple business accounts in one secure place 

Advanced business online gives businesses the tools and resources to more easily and effectively manage multiple accounts online. You can even access accounts that require multiple signers. Advanced business online provides the tools required to improve your business processes.  

Single view of all business memberships
Single view of all business memberships
Multiple user access and approval levels
Multiple user access and approval levels
Customized templates
Customized templates
Data transferring & productivity tools
Data transferring & productivity tools
Enhanced security
Enhanced security

Is advanced business online right for your business?

Advanced business online is especially useful for businesses, institutions or organizations that have more than one person responsible for banking and book-keeping or who outsource banking responsibilities. This feature allows multiple employees, officers or accountants to use different services, with different rights, amount limits and transaction approvals set specific to that person.

Because advanced business online “aggregates” account information, it is an excellent tool for businesses, institutions or organizations to track many accounts and memberships at Prospera in one simple view.

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