PaymentStream™ is a service provided by Central1 who is the partner of choice for financial, digital banking and payment products and services for over 250 financial institutions across Canada.
PaymentStream™ AFT uses the latest two-factor authentication technology to ensure your money is secure from end to end. Users can choose a physical token (hard token) for a fee, or a digital token available for free through your smartphone.
Once you’ve set up your account through the secure platform, you can input customer information and setup one-time or recurring transactions. You can set up a variety of payment frequencies (ex. weekly, monthly) and can even schedule future dated transactions. Through the secure platform, you can also generate and download reports as needed.
Learn more by speaking to one of our advisors today.Whether you're starting up, growing and busy, stagnating and stuck, or ready to pass the business torch, talk to one of our business advisors for local knowledge and the financial expertise you need on your team.
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1 888 884 4430
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